All U.S. Grains Council hosted meetings are open to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability or veteran status. Persons who require reasonable accommodation or alternative means of communication (Braille, large-print, sign-language) or language interpretation should contact U.S. Grains Council-Japan office at 03-6206-1041 or Japan★grains.org(Please replace “★” with “@” to make contact)no later than one week prior to the meetings/events.
As a USDA programs participant, the U.S. Grains Council is committed to complying with non-discrimination policies from federal, state, and local civil rights laws and those of the USDA. Visit the USDA website page (https://www.usda.gov/non-discrimination-statement) for details.
米国農務省(USDA)プログラムの一員として、アメリカ穀物協会は、連邦、州の無差別政策、および地方自治体、USDAの公民権法を遵守することに尽力しています。 詳細については、USDAのWebサイトページ(https://www.usda.gov/non-discrimination-statement)をご覧ください。